The Sick Game Gameplay

The Sick Game

The Sick Game 

The Sick Game was a submission to the DGDG Fall 2022 Jam that ran from September 21st to October 5th. The theme for this event was “Don’t Stop”, which inspired our team to create a fusion between Geometry Dash and a 3D rhythm game.

Initially, we wanted to create a game where the player controls a cube that’s climbing up a tower. The player would have to change directions by hitting WASD in time to the rhythm of the song to progress up the tower and avoid crashing into a wall. The space key would be used to jump up onto higher platforms. Staying on beat would enable the player to achieve a higher score.

This project was my first real venture in programming both isometric games and beat systems. Graham Tattersall’s blog, ‘Coding to the Beat’, was a tremendous help in our development.

The beat manager tracks song position and controls other music synced actions. In the game, you’ll see note blocks being instantiated at runtime on beat with the song. It was fun learning how to make use of dspTime, as I made use of Melanchall’s DryWetMidi library to read and process midi files to track note position without losing sync with the music.

We were even able to setup a basic beatmap for a song!

Play it here: The Sick Game

© 2024 by Kendal Mitchell

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